If you pay attention, you might have noticed that most businesses (like more than 70%) fail all over the world.
It’s a right guess if you think Africa`s figure is a lot higher. But why?
Why do most businesses fail?
Like many other things, there are many reasons why businesses fail.
But this is one of the major reasons; Most people never love business in the first place.
Most people who start a business in Africa never for a time “fall in love” with business.
They only find themselves in the business world as a result of frustration.
It’s the truth.
Think about it.
If everyone could get a good job, no condition attached, how many people do you think would consider starting a business?
Or let me make this question personal.
If you have the opportunity of getting a job that pays Ksh.500,000 per month, would you think of ever starting your own business?
For most people, the answer is NO. Now you get what I’m saying.
Most people find themselves doing business simply because they cannot get the kind of “good job” they want.
This is probably the number one reason why most businesses fail.
You can’t succeed doing what you can’t marry.
If you don’t love business, how can you succeed doing it?
How can you explain to me that you love the lady you were FORCED to marry?
How can you love business, when in the real sense, you were forced to “marry” business?
Some of us are in the business world because we love business. How can you love business?
Start thinking, reading and learning about business.
Develop great interest in the business world and you will soon fall in love with business.
I love you and honestly want you to be a successful entrepreneur.
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